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Nowadays, in Panama, assisted reproduction is something that is becoming more and more common.

It is true that there is still a certain caution on the part of many women or couples to talk openly about it, although due to our own pace of life we are increasingly delaying the moment of seeking pregnancy and it is more difficult to achieve it in a natural way.

To this, we must also add that, thanks to advances in science and medicine, we can now diagnose different pathologies that have a direct relationship with women’s fertility and that some years ago were overlooked.

Below, we are going to explain how assisted reproduction can help you achieve pregnancy.

Is there an increase in the number of women and couples resorting to assisted reproduction?

As we have mentioned, we do not know whether it is possible to speak of an increase in the number of infertility cases or in the number of patients resorting to infertility centers.

On the one hand, it is true that, faced with the possibility of achieving pregnancy, couples are more willing to go to a clinic than they were years ago. However, on the other hand, the increase in the age at which many couples and women seek pregnancy is also very important, which makes it very difficult for them to achieve it naturally and they must place themselves in the hands of Reproductive Medicine.

On the other hand, we must not forget to mention that couples formed by two women and women seeking motherhood without a partner are also increasingly frequent patients. Family models have changed a lot in recent years and, although we are dealing with women who may not have any problems related to their fertility, they must put themselves in the hands of a specialist in assisted reproduction to achieve pregnancy and start their own family.

Personalized treatments, the key to The Fertile Group’s success

At The Fertile Group we understand that each patient is unique and, therefore, must receive a completely personalized treatment and diagnosis.

Only with an exclusive diagnosis we are sure to be able to determine and face the treatment and its different stages and processes with the best guarantee of achieving the patient’s pregnancy.

We must evaluate and analyze both the fertility status of the patient at present and her history to determine what may be the cause that prevents the achievement of pregnancy and, after that, determine the best way to achieve pregnancy.

What are the main assisted reproduction treatments currently available?

In terms of treatments, we must differentiate between those that are performed with our own eggs and when we must resort to the eggs of a younger donor to achieve pregnancy.

In the first case, the most common treatments are Artificial Insemination (AI) and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

Artificial Insemination (AI) is the simplest treatment and is similar to natural reproduction. It consists of the introduction into the woman’s uterus of a sample of spermatozoa previously selected from her partner, or from a donor if necessary.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), on the other hand, is a procedure that is performed in our laboratories and consists of the union and fertilization of an egg with a sperm outside the uterus.

What happens if a woman cannot achieve pregnancy with her own eggs?

Many times we meet in the clinic with patients who cannot achieve pregnancy in a natural way and whose age is over 37 or 38 years old. Age, as we always tell them, is an essential factor for a woman to achieve pregnancy with her own eggs, since, as age advances, the quality of the eggs begins to decline.

On the other hand, there are also cases in which certain types of pathologies or previous surgeries have affected the ovulation process and it is impossible to achieve pregnancy in a natural way and with the woman’s own eggs.

In Vitro Fertilization treatments with eggs from a younger donor allow many women to realize their dream of carrying their own pregnancy.

The procedure is the same as a conventional in vitro fertilization, except that the eggs that we will fertilize in our laboratory with your partner’s semen sample will be from a donor previously selected so that the eggs are of the highest quality.

Fertility preservation, a guarantee to become a mother when the woman decides to become a mother.

As we have just said, it is very common for women to delay the moment of seeking pregnancy for work, economic or social reasons, such as the absence of a stable partner, with the problems that this may entail in the future search for pregnancy.

Egg vitrification, a technique very similar to freezing, allows us to store the eggs in our cryobanks at -196º without damaging them. These eggs can remain stored for years, until the woman decides she wants to become a mother.

In this way, her eggs will have the same quality as when they were extracted for freezing, so that, in addition to being able to gestate the pregnancy with her own eggs, these will be of the highest quality.

For any information you can contact The Fertile Group at:

+507 382 14 00/01