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We are well aware of the reality of our society. Stress, work, the search for job or economic stability are the order of the day in the lives of many women and couples, so the search for pregnancy is often put on the back burner.

However, in this sense, many of them are unaware that this delay of motherhood has really severe consequences for their maternity and the achievement of pregnancy.

From The Fertile Group we always insist on the importance for women to know and understand that all women are born with a limited amount of eggs.

From the age of 35, both the quantity and quality of these eggs begins to decline, being this decline very pronounced from the age of 37. From the age of 40, the chances of achieving pregnancy naturally are really scarce.

Having said this, it is easy to understand the importance of all women knowing that they have the possibility of preserving their fertility so that they can decide in the future what is the best time to become a mother and seek pregnancy and, most importantly, to do so with their own eggs.

How is fertility preserved?

To preserve the fertility of our patients, the technique we use is the vitrification of their oocytes.

This technique, similar to freezing, allows the eggs to be stored for an unlimited period of time until the decision is made to seek pregnancy and without losing quality from the moment they are extracted.

Preservation has different phases:

The first step consists of a first visit with our specialists so that we can analyze and assess the state of your fertility.

For this, by means of a blood test, we obtain the result of the level of the Antimullerian hormone. Apart from this, we will perform an ultrasound that, together with this result, will allow us to know the state of your ovarian reserve (amount of eggs that a woman produces naturally in each cycle) at that time.

With regard to the extraction of the patient’s eggs, we also seek to obtain the maximum number possible in order to vitrify as many healthy and quality eggs as possible.

To this end, through a series of hormone injections administered over a period of 8 to 12 days, we stimulate the ovaries to produce this greater number of eggs.

During this time, the patient will have a control performed with ultrasound monitoring, as well as different analytical tests to control the correct response to the medication and the state of follicular activation of her ovaries.

Finally, when the eggs reach the optimal moment of maturation, the extraction of the eggs is programmed, the so-called “ovarian puncture”.

This puncture is performed by means of a vaginal ultrasound and a light sedation is necessary to ensure that the patient does not feel any discomfort during the extraction. It is a procedure that lasts no more than 20 minutes and allows the patient to return home once she has recovered from the sedation.

It should be noted that if the woman has decided that she wants to become a mother, even if she has to delay the moment, it is important that fertility preservation is done as soon as possible.

At The Fertile Group we always recommend vitrification before the age of 32 or 33, when the eggs still retain their maximum quality.

In the case of men, can they also preserve their fertility?

In the case of men, fertility preservation is perfectly feasible, in this case, with a previously analyzed semen sample.

In your case, the preservation of your fertility often has to do with social factors, for example, before having a vasectomy, or medical issues whose pharmacological treatments, such as chemo or radiotherapy, directly affect semen production.

For further information please contact The Fertile Group at:

+507 382 14 00/01